Hunter Lysaught

Hunter Lysaught

Over the years we have had the privilege of working with some amazing people.  One of the people we are most thankful for is ambassador Hunter Lysaught.  If there was one word to describe this guy we would have to use the word Integrity.  Not only is he one of the stand out surfers in San Diego, he is also a dedicated Christian, loving husband and loyal friend.  After several years as a competitive professional surfer Hunter made a career change and is now a well respected realtor here in San Diego (if you need a realtor hit him up!).  Many of our high performance shortboards have been tested and refined with Hunter's feedback to include the Black Arrow, the Cloud and the new One Board Quiver.  We caught up with Hunter a while back to learn more about his upbringing and who he is today.

Homebreak: Seaside

Years Surfing: 20

Taking flight on the Cloud at Seaside Reef

Stance: Goofy

Favorite Degree33 Board: The Black Arrow

Why do you surf?: Connected with Creation and Creator


Hunter with two of his new One Board Quiver custom epoxy hand shapes


What surfers did you look up to the most growing up?: My oldest brother, La Jolla hometown locals, guys on tour, CJ & Damien Hobgood, Taj, Mick, Bobby Martinez

What is your biggest inspiration in life or surfing?: Jesus, David, Damien Hobgood

What is one thing you never leave home without?: Bible


Finding shade in the tube on the Cloud EpoxySoft surfboard


What is your favorite maneuver?: Tube Hunting

Tell us about your best session:  Gold Coast Australia, longest backside barrels of my life

Describe your style in 3 words: Emulation of Ace (my hope at least)


Where is your dream surf trip destination?: Perfect lefts with friends and punchy beach breaks

Any advice to new surfers starting out?: Enjoy the moment and be respectful. Study the lineup and movement of the Ocean before jumping into it. 


Power and style are Hunter's winning combination