Kye Miranda

We are Stoked to introduce ambassador Kye Miranda to the Degree 33 family! This guy is a amazing human and stand out surfer who loves to ride longboards, fun shapes and fish surfboards all the same. Kye and his wife Jo live in Ocean Beach, San Diego. They are true beach will find them surfing, fishing or running down at the beach whenever there is sun to he had. If there was one word we could use to describe Kye it would have to be STYLE! He is one of the most stylish and versatile surfers we know as he can shred anything you put under his feet. Recently Kye has been riding several of our boards to include the Poacher fun shape, the Classic log, the Ultimate Longboard and a recent addition of the 10'2" Wedge Noserider. Not only is he an amazing surfer but he is also a great person and we are so thankful to have him part of our crew! We interviewed Kye to learn more about his history and what keeps him Stoked on life.
Sunset Cliffs and Ocean Beach!
Years surfing:
Been surfing since I was about 8 or 9, so about 15 years.
Goofy all the way. Except I skate regular, not sure how that works out….

Favorite D33 Board:
The classic is for sure my favorite, nothing like paying homage to the most traditional surfboard design there is.
Why do you surf?:
I surf to experience God’s creation and to release from everyday life. The times I feel the most at peace are when I just get to sit in the ocean and experience it all, 1ft or 10ft it always just feels right to be in the water.
Favorite Surfer:
Joel Tudor - the king, the master, the most stylish, whatever you want to call him he is by far the best classical longboarder and is the mark that everyone measures against.
Describe your style:
Cruising and always laid back. You won’t see me trying to bust an air reverse, but I love trimming down little peelers looking for a noseriding section
Favorite Surf Trip to memory?
Scored bingin in Bali with only a couple of locals out, barrels for days.
Are you a traveler or homebody?
For most of my life I’ve been a homebody, hard not to be living in San Diego. But after traveling to Bali for my honeymoon, and down the Baja peninsula these recent months has made me catch the travel bug a little more.
What would your dream job be?
To own my own boat and fish for a living and surf boat accessible spots on my breaks
What is your most used emoji?
Checking my phone now, looks like I use the 👌🏽 emoji the most
Have you ever been told you look like someone famous, who was it?
My wife always says that I look like Julian Wilson. I’m not sure I buy it though, maybe an asian Julian Wilson!
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Nicos California burrito, I know classic so-cal answer
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
To not take life so seriously, to have fun, prioritize well, and love people the best that you can
What would your superpower be and why?
Unlimited breath holds underwater for spearfishing and surfing the heaviest waves
Now watch the video of Kye surfing several of our boards: