The modern high performance shortboard that always rides shotgun.
Purpose: The cleaner, faster version of the T9, the All-Terrain Vehicle simplifies the concept of the everyday shortboard. You'll literally leave this go-to shortboard in your trunk while the rest of your quiver decorate the rafters. The All-Terrain Vehicle straightens out the stepped down tail of the T9 and continues the tail width all the way out so there's more drive off the back foot. Moderate nose and tail rocker provide tons of planing speed while paddling and pumping down the line. Single to double concave slingshots you from a deep bottom turn to a layback cutback with a smooth transition from one rail extreme to the other. Medium-full rails hide ample volume throughout the outline. The All-terrain vehicle is our newest edition of a modern high performance shortboard.
Designed For: Intermediate to advanced surfer
Sweet Spot: From thigh to 3 ft overhead. The All-Terrain Vehicle is a confident choice. It's sweet spot is from chest to 1ft overhead on long walls, hollow sections, and big open faces.
Size Chart
- Reviews
- Questions
Got this board after riding Firwires/epoxy for a looonnnggggg time. Living on the gulf, the epoxy’s go pretty well in our weak surf and I got the ATV for legit waves on my w Coast & C America travels. So stoked on this shape and feel of the poly on legit waves in Baja, CR, and El Sal so far. Really allows a more vertical approach and cuts through the lip on turns as opposed to kind of floating over sections more with epoxy. 10/10 would recommend, loose enough to grovel but holds its bottom turns and easily handles 6-8’. I’m 5’8 155 for reference
Degree 33 Surfboards
Dude, Thanks for the epic feedback!
Jedie's Christmas present 2022
Dear Trevor and Degree33, My wife and I would like to thank you for all you've done to get Jedie into a new hardboard from Degree33. Jedie is graduating from a soft Catch board to your NexGen Epoxy board and during his first set, he was hooked. He enjoyed his newfound speed and maneuverability. The stability of the All Terrain gave him the confidence that he could jump right in and give it his all. He wants to surf every day that he can and is looking towards better boards from Degree33 in the future.
Degree 33 Surfboards
Thanks John, we appreciate you guys. Jedie is amazing!
I’m 56 and I’ve spent the last 2 years on my Journey from surfing long boards exclusively to surfing HP short boards. I’m 6’3” 185lbs and this 6’4” ATV was my goal and thanks to Degree 33 - I was able to make the progression. #TheJourney!!
Degree 33 Surfboards
Thanks Bob, we really appreciate your review and your friendship even more :)
It’s a winner
2nd ATV, because I loved the 1st one! So far surfed it between waist high OB and OH+ Sunset. A little under-gunned for paddling(obvs) at Sunset but handled beautifully on the wave. EPS feels pretty much the same under my feet as the PU version. Only knock is it’s already developed little pressure dings where my hands grip to dive—a bit unusual for a board of that youth, especially an epoxy; but really a very minor thing overall. Great board, very happy with it!
Degree 33 Surfboards
Thanks for the review and for being our customer Ash! We have seen pressure dings on rails before so not highly unusual on a shortboard but let us know if that presents a problem in the future.